INFO: Using directory: "1" INFO: Using existing c-file: ./Test_SX.c INFO: Using existing binary: ./Test_SX.out INFO: === Single_crystal: ./Test_SX.c: Warning: material file NULL not found. Absorption set to 0 Opening input file '/u/data/pkwi/McXtrace/mcxtrace/3.x-dev/data/Mo.lau' (Table_Read_Offset) Single_crystal: Mo.lau structure a=3.147 b=3.147 c=3.147 aa=90 bb=90 cc=90 V0=31.1667 Single_crystal: sample: Read 1480 reflections from file 'Mo.lau' Single_crystal: sample: Vc=31.1667 [Angs] sigma_inc=0.08 [barn] reflections=Mo.lau Direct space lattice orientation: a = [0 3.147 1.92698e-16] b = [0 0 3.147] c = [3.147 1.92698e-16 1.92698e-16] Reciprocal space lattice orientation: a* = [-1.22254e-16 1.99656 0] b* = [-1.22254e-16 -1.22254e-16 1.99656] c* = [1.99656 0 0] Single_crystal: sample: Error message was repeated 1 times with absorbed photons/illegal tau search. *** TRACE end *** Detector: psd0_I=7.95775e-10 psd0_ERR=2.51646e-13 psd0_N=1e+07 "psd0.dat" Detector: psd4pi_I=7.9838e-10 psd4pi_ERR=2.56587e-12 psd4pi_N=1e+07 "psd4pi.dat" INFO: Placing instr file copy Test_SX.instr in dataset 1 INFO: Placing generated c-code copy Test_SX.c in dataset 1