[ Identification | Description | Input parameters | Links ]

The Test_SAXS Instrument

Toy model used for testing various sample components for solution-SAXS.



Toy model used for testing various sample components for solution-SAXS.

The following SAXS samples are handled:
SAXSSpheres               SAMPLE=0
SAXSShells                SAMPLE=1
SAXSCylinders             SAMPLE=2
SAXSEllipticCylinders     SAMPLE=3
SAXSLiposomes             SAMPLE=4
SAXSNanodiscs             SAMPLE=5
SAXSNanodiscsWithTags     SAMPLE=6
SAXSPDB                   SAMPLE=7 (very slow, rather use SAXSPDBFast)
SAXSCurve                 SAMPLE=8 (inactivated)
SAXSNanodiscsFast         SAMPLE=9
SAXSNanodiscsWithTagsFast SAMPLE=10
SAXSPDBFast               SAMPLE=11

Input parameters

Parameters in boldface are required; the others are optional.
DistanceFromSourceToFirstPinholemDistance to first pinhole from source.0.05
DistanceFromSourceToSecondPinholemDistance to second pinhole - used for focusing rays.0.7
DistanceFromSecondPinholeToSamplemCollimation length.0.6
RadiusOfDetectormRadius of the circular detector.0.1
LambdaAAWavelength of the rays emitted from source.1.54
DLambda Relative deviation of wavelength of the rays emitted from source.0.01
SAMPLE Index of sample model0


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Generated on 2024-07-01 09:47:49