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The Test_PowderN Instrument

Unit-test instrument for the PowderN sample component.



Simply a model source illuminating a powder sample.
The default sample itself is an LaB6-powder.
Alternatively, the Single_crystal component can also be tested in powder mode.

Input parameters

Parameters in boldface are required; the others are optional.
E0keVSource energy (width 1 keV)15
L1mSource-sample distance10
directbeam1Suppress direct beam (0) or not (1)0
reflectionsstrList of powder reflections, LAU/CIF format."LaB6_660b_AVID2.hkl"
SPLITS1Number of SPLIT's before sample1
frac_c1Fraction of stats assigned to coherent scattering0.8
frac_i1Fraction of stats assigned to incoherent scattering0.1
frac_t1Fraction of stats assigned to unscattered, "direct beam"0.1
d_phidegAngle corresponding to the vertical angular range to focus to, e.g. detector height. 0 for no focusing.0
TTHdegRotation of secondary detector arm.0
index1Index of the sample component to use. 1=PowderN, 2=Single_crystal1


[ Identification | Description | Input parameters | Links ]

Generated on 2024-07-01 09:47:49