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The SOLEIL_PSICHE Instrument

A simple model of the PSICHE tomography/diffraction beam-line at Synchrotron SOLEIL.



The PSICHÉ beamline is installed on a short straight section of the SOLEIL
(I03c), The source is a under vacuum multi-pole wiggler (2.1 T) which delivers
a white beam with a large photon energy range (15-100+ keV).
To perform the various experiments performed on the beamline, 4 different
operating modes are available.

This model allows the white beam mode for energy dispersive x-ray diffraction,
and the monochromatic beam tomography.

The sample handles absorption, with edge contrast, as well as fluorescence.

Input parameters

Parameters in boldface are required; the others are optional.
E0keVNominal energy at the Wiggler. Sets the monochromator angle when DCM_present31
dEkeVEnergy half-bandwidth at the Wiggler1
DCM_present1Allow the monochromator in place (1) or removed (0, white beam)0
sample_thetadegRotation of the sample stage0
sample_materialstrAbsorption data file for the sample"Ag"
sample_geometrystrOFF/PLY file name for sample 3D geometry, or emty for a box"wire.ply"
dcm_thetadegRotation angle of the DCM. 0=set from energy E00


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Generated on 2024-07-01 09:47:49