[ Identification | Description | Input parameters | Links ]

The SOLEIL_MARS Instrument

The MARS beam-line at Synchrotron SOLEIL.



MARS beamline is aiming to extend the research capabilities on radioactive
matter towards the use of synchrotron radiation in multidisciplinary fields
biology, chemistry, physics) with respect to national and European safety law*.

The design of MARS beamline (infrastructure and optics) is also optimized to
alternatively run two experimental stations in orlder to perform
characterizations with transmission and high resolution X-ray powder-diffraction
(XRD), Wide Angle X-ray Scattering (WAXS), Small Angle X-ray scattering (SAXS),
standard and high resolution X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XANES, EXAFS and
HERFD-XANES) and microbeam techniques (microXRF, XAS, XRD).

This model implements the XRD station for powders.

Input parameters

Parameters in boldface are required; the others are optional.
E0keVCentral energy to be emitted by the source16.99
reflec_material_M12strreflecting coating on curved mirrors, e.g. Pt"Pt.dat"
reflectionsstrSample structure file, LAU/CIF format."LaB6_660b_AVID2.hkl"
dEr1Relative half width to emitted by the source, e.g. 1e-41e-4
alphadegAsymmetry angle for the crystals.0


[ Identification | Description | Input parameters | Links ]

Generated on 2024-07-01 09:47:49