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The NuSTAR_1shell Instrument

Single shell model of the NuSTAR-optic in use as telescope.



A model of the NuSTAR-telescope using just a single shell as optical element.
That means to make use of this instrument
it is necessary to run a series of simulation while varying the input parameter shellnumber.

The model needs as input two geometry files (parabolic_datafile and hyperbolic_datafile), which contains (in ascii) tabled details about the geometry of the shells.
The data in the geomfile is assumed to be in the format:
#row  L/m  rad_h/m  rad_m/m  rad_p/m
row: running index for the rows/rings
L: The length of the plates for this ring
rad_h: The radius at the "hyperbolic" end of the optic. At the detector end.
rad_m: The radius at the midpoint of the optic. This is the reference.
rad_p: The radius at the "parabolic" and of the optic. At the source end.

Example: NuSTAR_1shell.instr shellnumber=1

Input parameters

Parameters in boldface are required; the others are optional.
FLmThe focal length of the optical system10.12
FLdmThe distance from the optics centre to the detector. If 0 the detector is placed at the focal plane.0
optics_distmThe distance between souce and optic. In space this would be quite large :-).10
offaxis_anglearcminAngle of collimated light from source0
reflectivity Data file containing reflectivities (such as from IMD)"mirror_coating_unity.txt"
E0keVCentral energy of X-rays5
dEkeVHalf spread of energy spectrum to be emitted from source0.001
shellnumber The row number for the miror module. This defines the shell.0
parabolic_datafile File which contains the geometry of the parabolic (primary) mirrors. (i.e. radii,lengths)"om_con_1a_110901_t1.txt"
hyperbolic_datafile File which contains the geometry of the hyperbolic (secondary) mirrors. (i.e. radii,lengths)"om_con_3a_110901_t1.txt"


[ Identification | Description | Input parameters | Links ]

Generated on 2024-07-01 09:47:49