[ Identification | Description | Input parameters | Links ]
InstrumentToy model used for testing various sample components for solution-SAXS mimicking the geometry of the BM29 beamline at ESRF: https://www.esrf.fr/home/UsersAndScience/Experiments/MX/About_our_beamlines/bm29/beamline-specifications.html Note that this model does not include much of the beamline optics, instead it emulates their effect by settgin relevant beam parameters from a model source.
Name | Unit | Description | Default |
DistanceFromSourceToFirstPinhole | m | Distance to first pinhole from source. | 31.4 |
DistanceFromSourceToSecondPinhole | m | Distance to second pinhole - used for focussing rays. | 42.5 |
DistanceFromSecondPinholeToSample | m | Collimation length. | 0.1 |
DistanceFromSampleToDetector | m | Sample-detector-distance. | 2.43 |
RadiusOfDetector | m | Radius of the circular detector. | 0.18 |
Lambda | AA | Wavelength of the rays emitted from source. | 1.00 |
DLambda | Relative deviation of wavelength of the rays emitted from source. | 0.01 |
[ Identification | Description | Input parameters | Links ]
Generated on 2024-07-01 09:47:49