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The ATHENA_1mm Instrument

Single pore version of the ATHENA SPO-optic in use as telescope.



A model of the ATHENA-telescope using just a single mirror module as optical element. That means to make use of this instrument
it is necessary to run a series of simulation while varying the input parameter porenumber.
At present, the porenumber really means mirror module number.

The model needs as input a set of files: A Mirror Module definition file and a ring definition file.
The former contains overall definitions of mirror modules and their positions - the latter contains details about each plate.
There is some redundancy between the two files. The latter will be rendered unnecessary in a later version.
An example of mmdef_file is "MM_Definitions-cfgA.csv" which is distributed by ESA.
An example of ringfile is "ref_design.dat" which is taken from the ATHENA_reference design white-paper.

Reflectivity may be modelled using a datafile. In this telscope model only the top (intentionally reflecting) surface
is given a data-file. However, the MM-components can cope with non-zero reflectivity for side-walls and bottom surfaces.
The reflectivity datafile follows a simple ascii-format with 6 header lines the define the ranges in energy E and grazing
angle theta, followed by a 2D-data block with reflectivity numbers. This is expected to be substituted for a 1D-parametrization '
in q, to avoid overly lagre data-files.

Example: ATHENA_cfgA_1mm.instr porenumber=3

Input parameters

Parameters in boldface are required; the others are optional.
FLmThe focal length of the optical system12
optics_distmThe distance between souce and optic. In space this would be quite large :-).10
XWidthmThe width of the user detector default is that of the ATHENA WFI large area detector0.13312
YHeightmThe height of the user detector default is that of the ATHENA WFI large area detector0.13312
NX Number of pixels along X in the user detector1024
NY Number of pixels along Y in the user detector.1024
offaxis_anglearcminAngle of collimated light from source0
dPxmOffset/displacement of parabolic pore along x from its theoretical position.0
dPymOffset/displacement of parabolic pore along y from its theoretical position.0
dPzmOffset/displacement of parabolic pore along z from its theoretical position.0
dPrxarcsecRotational misalignment of parabolic pore around x.0
dPryarcsecRotational misalignment of parabolic pore around y.0
dPrzarcsecRotational misalignment of parabolic pore around z.0
dHxmOffset/displacement of hyperbolic pore along x from its theoretical position.0
dHymOffset/displacement of hyperbolic pore along y from its theoretical position.0
dHzmOffset/displacement of hyperbolic pore along z from its theoretical position.0
dHrxarcsecRotational misalignment of hyperbolic pore around x.0
dHryarcsecRotational misalignment of hyperbolic pore around y.0
dHrzarcsecRotational misalignment of hyperbolic pore around z.0
reflectivity Data file containing reflectivities (such as from IMD)"mirror_coating_unity.txt"
E0keVCentral energy of X-rays5
dEkeVHalf spread of energy spectrum to be emitted from source0.001
porenumber Actually the mirror module number.1
mmdef_file File containing the positions and overall geometry of Mirror Modules."MM_Definitions-cfgA.csv"
ringfile File which contains deatiled plate descriptions."ref_design_breaks.txt"
Hyper If non-zero the secondary mirror (hyperbolic) is active. Useful for debugging.1
Para If non-zero the primary mirror is acive (parabolic) is active. Useful for debugging.1
lists If non-zero drop event mode monitr are active. Turn-off to save disk-space.0


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Generated on 2024-07-01 09:47:49