[ Identification | Description | Input parameters | Links ]
InstrumentA model of the ATHENA-telescope using just a single mirror module as optical element. That means to make use of this instrument it is necessary to run a series of simulation while varying the input parameter porenumber. At present, the porenumber really means mirror module number. The model needs as input a set of files: A Mirror Module definition file and a ring definition file. The former contains overall definitions of mirror modules and their positions - the latter contains details about each plate. There is some redundancy between the two files. The latter will be rendered unnecessary in a later version. An example of mmdef_file is "MM_Definitions-cfgA.csv" which is distributed by ESA. An example of ringfile is "ref_design.dat" which is taken from the ATHENA_reference design white-paper. Reflectivity may be modelled using a datafile. In this telscope model only the top (intentionally reflecting) surface is given a data-file. However, the MM-components can cope with non-zero reflectivity for side-walls and bottom surfaces. The reflectivity datafile follows a simple ascii-format with 6 header lines the define the ranges in energy E and grazing angle theta, followed by a 2D-data block with reflectivity numbers. This is expected to be substituted for a 1D-parametrization ' in q, to avoid overly lagre data-files. Example: ATHENA_cfgA_1mm.instr porenumber=3
Name | Unit | Description | Default |
FL | m | The focal length of the optical system | 12 |
optics_dist | m | The distance between souce and optic. In space this would be quite large :-). | 10 |
XWidth | m | The width of the user detector default is that of the ATHENA WFI large area detector | 0.13312 |
YHeight | m | The height of the user detector default is that of the ATHENA WFI large area detector | 0.13312 |
NX | Number of pixels along X in the user detector | 1024 | |
NY | Number of pixels along Y in the user detector. | 1024 | |
offaxis_angle | arcmin | Angle of collimated light from source | 0 |
dPx | m | Offset/displacement of parabolic pore along x from its theoretical position. | 0 |
dPy | m | Offset/displacement of parabolic pore along y from its theoretical position. | 0 |
dPz | m | Offset/displacement of parabolic pore along z from its theoretical position. | 0 |
dPrx | arcsec | Rotational misalignment of parabolic pore around x. | 0 |
dPry | arcsec | Rotational misalignment of parabolic pore around y. | 0 |
dPrz | arcsec | Rotational misalignment of parabolic pore around z. | 0 |
dHx | m | Offset/displacement of hyperbolic pore along x from its theoretical position. | 0 |
dHy | m | Offset/displacement of hyperbolic pore along y from its theoretical position. | 0 |
dHz | m | Offset/displacement of hyperbolic pore along z from its theoretical position. | 0 |
dHrx | arcsec | Rotational misalignment of hyperbolic pore around x. | 0 |
dHry | arcsec | Rotational misalignment of hyperbolic pore around y. | 0 |
dHrz | arcsec | Rotational misalignment of hyperbolic pore around z. | 0 |
reflectivity | Data file containing reflectivities (such as from IMD) | "mirror_coating_unity.txt" | |
default_reflec | 0 | ||
E0 | keV | Central energy of X-rays | 5 |
dE | keV | Half spread of energy spectrum to be emitted from source | 0.001 |
porenumber | Actually the mirror module number. | 1 | |
mmdef_file | File containing the positions and overall geometry of Mirror Modules. | "MM_Definitions-cfgA.csv" | |
ringfile | File which contains deatiled plate descriptions. | "ref_design_breaks.txt" | |
Hyper | If non-zero the secondary mirror (hyperbolic) is active. Useful for debugging. | 1 | |
Para | If non-zero the primary mirror is acive (parabolic) is active. Useful for debugging. | 1 | |
lists | If non-zero drop event mode monitr are active. Turn-off to save disk-space. | 0 |
[ Identification | Description | Input parameters | Links ]
Generated on 2024-07-01 09:47:49