[ Identification | Description | Input parameters | Links ]
InstrumentDesign study model of the DanMAX PowderX/Imaging beamline. This early version uses a Gaussian approximation source, and a simple bandpass filter as the multilayer.
Name | Unit | Description | Default |
E0 | keV | The central energy to sample from source model. | 35 |
DE | keV | Spectral width (std. dev. if gaussian source) to sample from source model. | 0.05 |
undK | Undulator K parameter, overrides E0. | 0 | |
undDetune | eV | First harmonic detuning in eV. When zero - max flux on axis. If set to approx. 4 eV one can gain ~20% of flux through the aperture. | 4 |
DCM_e0 | keV | The energy to tune the Si monochromator to. May be different from E0. If 0 the DCM is controlled by DCM_angle. | 35 |
DMM_e0 | keV | The energy to tune the ML monochromator to. May be different from E0. If 0 the DMM is controlled by DMM_angle. | 35 |
oh_premonoh | m | Pre-mono (white beam) slit height. | 1e-3 |
oh_premonow | m | Pre-mono (white beam) slit width. | 1e-3 |
oh_endh | m | OH exit slit height. | 1e-3 |
oh_endw | m | OH exit slit width. | 1e-3 |
PXRDsampleap_h | m | PXRD clean-up aperture height. | 300e-6 |
PXRDsampleap_w | m | PXRD clean-up aperture width. | 300e-6 |
DMM_angle | deg | Glancing angle of the ML. | 0 |
DCM_angle | deg | Glacing angle of the Si-111 monochromator crystals. | 0 |
DCM | If nonzero the high-resolution SI DCM is active. | 1 | |
DMM | If nonzero the multilayer mono is active. | 0 | |
OH_2DCRL_N | Number of 2D focus CRLs in the optics hutch transfocator. 0 means transfocator is inactive. | 0 | |
EH_2DCRL_N | 0 | ||
D_EH_2DCRL | 0 | ||
sample_radius | 100e-6 | ||
pxrd_2d_y | m | Offset of 2d-area detector centre perpendicular to the detector arm. | 135e-3 |
pxrd_2d_tthc | Rotation around the sample tube (i.e. the x-axis) of the 2d-area detector arm. | 0 | |
SDD_2D | 150e-3 | ||
debugMon | If nonzero, all intermediate monitors appear for debugging purposes. | 1 | |
beamStop | If nonzero, a beamstop is in between sample and PXRD 2d-detector. | 1 | |
SPLITS | Split-number at the sample position. | 100 |
[ Identification | Description | Input parameters | Links ]
Generated on 2024-07-01 12:32:10