INFO: Using directory: "3" INFO: Using existing c-file: ./Test_Absorption.c INFO: Using existing binary: ./Test_Absorption.out WARNING: Ignoring invalid parameter: "Test_Absorption.instr" INFO: === WARNING: (Table_Rebin): Rebinning table from Mn.txt would exceed 1M rows. Skipping. Warning: sample_scan2: Invalid inner volume specification. Ignoring. [Test_Absorption] Initialize Opening input file '/zhome/89/0/38697/McXtrace/mcxtrace/3.x-dev/tools/Python/mxrun/../mccodelib/../../../data/Mn.txt' (Table_Read_Offset) sample_scan1: Rebinning material data (Mn.txt) for faster tracing...done Reusing input file 'Mn.txt' (Table_Read_Offset) INFO: sample_scan2: Setting rho_o=7.43 from Mn.txt Reusing input file 'Mn.txt' (Table_Read_Offset) Loading geometry file (OFF/PLY): Number of vertices: 8 Number of polygons: 6 Warning: Aspect ratio of the geometry was modified. If you want to keep the original proportions, specifiy only one of the dimensions. Bounding box dimensions for geometry Length=0.001000 (0.100%) Width= 0.001000 (0.100%) Depth= 0.000100 (0.010%) sample_scan3: Volume[1], material='Mn.txt' geometry='' NOTE: CPU COMPONENT grammar activated: 1) "FUNNEL" raytrace algorithm enabled. 2) Any SPLIT's are dynamically allocated based on available buffer size. Save [Test_Absorption] Detector: emon_I=8.2167e-12 emon_ERR=5.87288e-15 emon_N=5.20398e+06 "emon.dat" Detector: psd_I=8.67841e-09 psd_ERR=1.85451e-12 psd_N=4.39486e+07 "psd.dat" Finally [Test_Absorption: 3]. Time: 3 [s] INFO: Placing instr file copy /zhome/89/0/38697/xTESTS/2022-06-01/McXtrace_GPU_PGCC_TESLA_KISS_FUNNEL_5e7/Test_Absorption/Test_Absorption.instr in dataset 3 loading system configuration loading override configuration from /zhome/89/0/38697/mxtest/mctest/../mccodelib/mcxtrace-test/McXtrace_GPU_PGCC_TESLA_KISS_FUNNEL/mccode_config.json