INFO: No output directory specified (--dir) INFO: Using directory: "Test_Air_20220106_003154" INFO: Regenerating c-file: Test_Air.c DEBUG: CMD: mcxtrace -t -o ./Test_Air.c /zhome/7c/9/7041/TESTS/2022-01-06/McXtrace-3.0_CPU_gcc_MPI_1e7/Test_Air/Test_Air.instr CFLAGS= ----------------------------------------------------------- Generating single GPU kernel or single CPU section layout: ----------------------------------------------------------- Generating GPU/CPU -DFUNNEL layout: ----------------------------------------------------------- INFO: Recompiling: ./Test_Air.out DEBUG: CMD: mpicc -o ./Test_Air.out ./Test_Air.c -lm -std=c99 -g -lm -O2 -DUSE_MPI -lmpi ./Test_Air.c: In function ‘sighandler’: ./Test_Air.c:5389:5: warning: implicit declaration of function ‘kill’ [-Wimplicit-function-declaration] kill(0, SIGKILL); /* kill myself if error occurs within sighandler: loops */ ^ ./Test_Air.c: In function ‘class_Air_init’: ./Test_Air.c:8733:1: error: expected expression before ‘<<’ token <<<<<<< Updated upstream ^ ./Test_Air.c: In function ‘class_Air_trace’: ./Test_Air.c:9381:1: error: expected expression before ‘<<’ token <<<<<<< Updated upstream ^ ./Test_Air.c:9411:1: error: expected expression before ‘<<’ token <<<<<<< Updated upstream ^ ./Test_Air.c:9425:1: error: expected expression before ‘==’ token ======= ^ ./Test_Air.c:9439:1: error: expected expression before ‘>>’ token >>>>>>> Stashed changes ^ ./Test_Air.c:9461:1: error: expected expression before ‘<<’ token <<<<<<< Updated upstream ^ ./Test_Air.c:9463:1: error: expected expression before ‘==’ token ======= ^ ./Test_Air.c:9466:1: error: expected expression before ‘>>’ token >>>>>>> Stashed changes ^ ./Test_Air.c:9473:1: error: expected expression before ‘<<’ token <<<<<<< Updated upstream ^ ./Test_Air.c:9475:1: error: expected expression before ‘==’ token ======= ^ ./Test_Air.c:9477:13: error: expected ‘}’ before ‘else’ else { ^ ./Test_Air.c:9478:1: error: expected expression before ‘>>’ token >>>>>>> Stashed changes ^ ./Test_Air.c: At top level: ./Test_Air.c:9489:9: error: expected identifier or ‘(’ before ‘else’ else { ^ ./Test_Air.c:9494:5: error: expected identifier or ‘(’ before ‘}’ token } ^ ./Test_Air.c:9496:3: error: expected identifier or ‘(’ before ‘if’ if(isnan(p) || isinf(p)) ABSORB; ^ ./Test_Air.c:8935:82: error: expected identifier or ‘(’ before ‘while’ #define ABSORB0 do { DEBUG_STATE(); DEBUG_ABSORB(); ABSORBED++; return(_comp); } while(0) ^ ./Test_Air.c:8936:16: note: in expansion of macro ‘ABSORB0’ #define ABSORB ABSORB0 ^ ./Test_Air.c:9496:30: note: in expansion of macro ‘ABSORB’ if(isnan(p) || isinf(p)) ABSORB; ^ ./Test_Air.c:9497:3: error: expected identifier or ‘(’ before ‘if’ if(isnan(t) || isinf(t)) ABSORB; ^ ./Test_Air.c:8935:82: error: expected identifier or ‘(’ before ‘while’ #define ABSORB0 do { DEBUG_STATE(); DEBUG_ABSORB(); ABSORBED++; return(_comp); } while(0) ^ ./Test_Air.c:8936:16: note: in expansion of macro ‘ABSORB0’ #define ABSORB ABSORB0 ^ ./Test_Air.c:9497:30: note: in expansion of macro ‘ABSORB’ if(isnan(t) || isinf(t)) ABSORB; ^ ./Test_Air.c:9498:3: error: expected identifier or ‘(’ before ‘if’ if(isnan(phi) || isinf(phi)) ABSORB; ^ ./Test_Air.c:8935:82: error: expected identifier or ‘(’ before ‘while’ #define ABSORB0 do { DEBUG_STATE(); DEBUG_ABSORB(); ABSORBED++; return(_comp); } while(0) ^ ./Test_Air.c:8936:16: note: in expansion of macro ‘ABSORB0’ #define ABSORB ABSORB0 ^ ./Test_Air.c:9498:34: note: in expansion of macro ‘ABSORB’ if(isnan(phi) || isinf(phi)) ABSORB; ^ ./Test_Air.c:9499:3: error: expected identifier or ‘(’ before ‘if’ if(isnan(kx) || isinf(kx)) ABSORB; ^ ./Test_Air.c:8935:82: error: expected identifier or ‘(’ before ‘while’ #define ABSORB0 do { DEBUG_STATE(); DEBUG_ABSORB(); ABSORBED++; return(_comp); } while(0) ^ ./Test_Air.c:8936:16: note: in expansion of macro ‘ABSORB0’ #define ABSORB ABSORB0 ^ ./Test_Air.c:9499:30: note: in expansion of macro ‘ABSORB’ if(isnan(kx) || isinf(kx)) ABSORB; ^ ./Test_Air.c:9500:3: error: expected identifier or ‘(’ before ‘if’ if(isnan(ky) || isinf(ky)) ABSORB; ^ ./Test_Air.c:8935:82: error: expected identifier or ‘(’ before ‘while’ #define ABSORB0 do { DEBUG_STATE(); DEBUG_ABSORB(); ABSORBED++; return(_comp); } while(0) ^ ./Test_Air.c:8936:16: note: in expansion of macro ‘ABSORB0’ #define ABSORB ABSORB0 ^ ./Test_Air.c:9500:30: note: in expansion of macro ‘ABSORB’ if(isnan(ky) || isinf(ky)) ABSORB; ^ ./Test_Air.c:9501:3: error: expected identifier or ‘(’ before ‘if’ if(isnan(kz) || isinf(kz)) ABSORB; ^ ./Test_Air.c:8935:82: error: expected identifier or ‘(’ before ‘while’ #define ABSORB0 do { DEBUG_STATE(); DEBUG_ABSORB(); ABSORBED++; return(_comp); } while(0) ^ ./Test_Air.c:8936:16: note: in expansion of macro ‘ABSORB0’ #define ABSORB ABSORB0 ^ ./Test_Air.c:9501:30: note: in expansion of macro ‘ABSORB’ if(isnan(kz) || isinf(kz)) ABSORB; ^ ./Test_Air.c:9502:3: error: expected identifier or ‘(’ before ‘if’ if(isnan(x) || isinf(x)) ABSORB; ^ ./Test_Air.c:8935:82: error: expected identifier or ‘(’ before ‘while’ #define ABSORB0 do { DEBUG_STATE(); DEBUG_ABSORB(); ABSORBED++; return(_comp); } while(0) ^ ./Test_Air.c:8936:16: note: in expansion of macro ‘ABSORB0’ #define ABSORB ABSORB0 ^ ./Test_Air.c:9502:30: note: in expansion of macro ‘ABSORB’ if(isnan(x) || isinf(x)) ABSORB; ^ ./Test_Air.c:9503:3: error: expected identifier or ‘(’ before ‘if’ if(isnan(y) || isinf(y)) ABSORB; ^ ./Test_Air.c:8935:82: error: expected identifier or ‘(’ before ‘while’ #define ABSORB0 do { DEBUG_STATE(); DEBUG_ABSORB(); ABSORBED++; return(_comp); } while(0) ^ ./Test_Air.c:8936:16: note: in expansion of macro ‘ABSORB0’ #define ABSORB ABSORB0 ^ ./Test_Air.c:9503:30: note: in expansion of macro ‘ABSORB’ if(isnan(y) || isinf(y)) ABSORB; ^ ./Test_Air.c:9504:3: error: expected identifier or ‘(’ before ‘if’ if(isnan(z) || isinf(z)) ABSORB; ^ ./Test_Air.c:8935:82: error: expected identifier or ‘(’ before ‘while’ #define ABSORB0 do { DEBUG_STATE(); DEBUG_ABSORB(); ABSORBED++; return(_comp); } while(0) ^ ./Test_Air.c:8936:16: note: in expansion of macro ‘ABSORB0’ #define ABSORB ABSORB0 ^ ./Test_Air.c:9504:30: note: in expansion of macro ‘ABSORB’ if(isnan(z) || isinf(z)) ABSORB; ^ ./Test_Air.c:9507:1: error: expected identifier or ‘(’ before ‘if’ if (_comp->_index == 5) { // EXTEND 'airbox' ^ ./Test_Air.c:9535:3: error: expected identifier or ‘(’ before ‘return’ return(_comp); ^ ./Test_Air.c:9536:1: error: expected identifier or ‘(’ before ‘}’ token } /* class_Air_trace */ ^ loading system configuration loading override configuration from /zhome/7c/9/7041/McXtrace/mcxtrace/1.5/tools/Python/mctest/../mccodelib/mcxtrace-test/McXtrace-3.0_CPU_gcc_MPI/mccode_config.json