INFO: No output directory specified (--dir) INFO: Using directory: "Test_Air_20220106_003348" INFO: Regenerating c-file: Test_Air.c DEBUG: CMD: mcxtrace -t -o ./Test_Air.c /zhome/7c/9/7041/TESTS/2022-01-06/McXtrace-3.0_CPU_PGCC_MC_1e7/Test_Air/Test_Air.instr CFLAGS= ----------------------------------------------------------- Generating single GPU kernel or single CPU section layout: ----------------------------------------------------------- Generating GPU/CPU -DFUNNEL layout: ----------------------------------------------------------- INFO: Recompiling: ./Test_Air.out DEBUG: CMD: nvc -o ./Test_Air.out ./Test_Air.c -lm -lm -O2 -acc=multicore -DOPENACC "./Test_Air.c", line 4884: warning: pointless comparison of unsigned integer with zero state[4] = t < 0; ^ "./Test_Air.c", line 5791: warning: variable "ret" was declared but never referenced int ret=1,stat=0,plane_stat=0; ^ "./Test_Air.c", line 5964: warning: variable "D" was declared but never referenced double A,B,C,D,k; ^ "./Test_Air.c", line 7876: warning: variable "tc2" was declared but never referenced Coords tc1, tc2; ^ "./Test_Air.c", line 7877: warning: variable "tr1" was declared but never referenced Rotation tr1; ^ "./Test_Air.c", line 8528: warning: variable "status" was set but never used int status=0; ^ "./Test_Air.c", line 8597: warning: variable "i" was declared but never referenced int i,j; ^ "./Test_Air.c", line 8597: warning: variable "j" was declared but never referenced int i,j; ^ "./Test_Air.c", line 8598: warning: variable "p1" was declared but never referenced double *p1,*p2,*p3; ^ "./Test_Air.c", line 8598: warning: variable "p2" was declared but never referenced double *p1,*p2,*p3; ^ "./Test_Air.c", line 8598: warning: variable "p3" was declared but never referenced double *p1,*p2,*p3; ^ "./Test_Air.c", line 8659: warning: variable "i" was declared but never referenced int i,j; ^ "./Test_Air.c", line 8659: warning: variable "j" was declared but never referenced int i,j; ^ "./Test_Air.c", line 8733: error: expected an expression <<<<<<< Updated upstream ^ "./Test_Air.c", line 8740: warning: parsing restarts here after previous syntax error target_index=1; ^ "./Test_Air.c", line 8792: warning: variable "i" was declared but never referenced int i,j; ^ "./Test_Air.c", line 8792: warning: variable "j" was declared but never referenced int i,j; ^ "./Test_Air.c", line 9156: warning: variable "k" was declared but never referenced int i,j,k; ^ "./Test_Air.c", line 9157: warning: variable "e" was declared but never referenced double e,p2; ^ "./Test_Air.c", line 9248: warning: variable "k" was declared but never referenced double k, kn; ^ "./Test_Air.c", line 9381: error: expected an expression <<<<<<< Updated upstream ^ "./Test_Air.c", line 9387: warning: nested comment is not allowed /* The total probability for the (unpolarized) X-ray to interact with the air as a function of k is approximated ^ "./Test_Air.c", line 9397: warning: parsing restarts here after previous syntax error Ptot_sc_unpolarized = exp(-13.239209120968501922 + 7.7523973158902582507e-1*k - 1.9753647234751300397*k*k + 1.1395382484098412215*k*k*k - 3.5117800398913380701e-1*k*k*k*k + 6.493474609841591379e-2*k*k*k*k*k - 7.40740935645497008e-3*k*k*k*k*k*k + 5.1039561005291247e-4*k*k*k*k*k*k*k - 1.947399876590436e-5*k*k*k*k*k*k*k*k + 3.1587814532171995885e-7*k*k*k*k*k*k*k*k*k)*l_full*pressure*NA/(R_gas*temperature)*1e-30*1e10; ^ "./Test_Air.c", line 9404: warning: variable "Ptot_sc_unpolarized" is used before its value is set p*=Ptot_sc_unpolarized/frac; ^ "./Test_Air.c", line 9411: error: expected an expression <<<<<<< Updated upstream ^ "./Test_Air.c", line 9425: error: expected an expression ======= ^ "./Test_Air.c", line 9439: error: expected an expression >>>>>>> Stashed changes ^ "./Test_Air.c", line 9461: error: expected an expression <<<<<<< Updated upstream ^ "./Test_Air.c", line 9462: error: expected a ";" } else if (1/3 <= ran_var < 2/3) { ^ "./Test_Air.c", line 9463: error: expected an expression ======= ^ "./Test_Air.c", line 9464: error: expected a ";" } ^ "./Test_Air.c", line 9466: error: expected an expression >>>>>>> Stashed changes ^ "./Test_Air.c", line 9470: warning: parsing restarts here after previous syntax error ao[3]*exp(-bo[3]*(q/(4*PI))*(q/(4*PI))) + co; ^ "./Test_Air.c", line 9473: error: expected an expression <<<<<<< Updated upstream ^ "./Test_Air.c", line 9474: error: expected a ";" } else { ^ "./Test_Air.c", line 9475: error: expected an expression ======= ^ "./Test_Air.c", line 9476: error: expected a ";" } ^ "./Test_Air.c", line 9477: error: expected a statement else { ^ "./Test_Air.c", line 9487: warning: parsing restarts here after previous syntax error SCATTER; ^ "./Test_Air.c", line 9494: warning: missing return statement at end of non-void function "class_Air_trace" } ^ "./Test_Air.c", line 9342: warning: variable "l" was set but never used double l0, l1, l_full, l, dl, ran_var; ^ "./Test_Air.c", line 9343: warning: variable "axis_x" was declared but never referenced double aim_x=0, aim_y=0, aim_z=1, axis_x, axis_y, axis_z; ^ "./Test_Air.c", line 9343: warning: variable "axis_y" was declared but never referenced double aim_x=0, aim_y=0, aim_z=1, axis_x, axis_y, axis_z; ^ "./Test_Air.c", line 9343: warning: variable "axis_z" was declared but never referenced double aim_x=0, aim_y=0, aim_z=1, axis_x, axis_y, axis_z; ^ "./Test_Air.c", line 9348: warning: variable "ao" was declared but never referenced double ao[4]={3.0485, 2.2868, 1.5463, 0.867}; ^ "./Test_Air.c", line 9349: warning: variable "aar" was declared but never referenced double aar[4]={7.4845, 6.7723, 0.6539, 1.6442}; ^ "./Test_Air.c", line 9351: warning: variable "bo" was declared but never referenced double bo[4]={13.2771, 5.7011, 0.3239, 32.9089}; ^ "./Test_Air.c", line 9352: warning: variable "bar" was declared but never referenced double bar[4]={0.9072, 14.8407, 43.8983, 33.3929}; ^ "./Test_Air.c", line 9354: warning: variable "co" was declared but never referenced double co=0.2508; ^ "./Test_Air.c", line 9355: warning: variable "car" was declared but never referenced double car=1.4445; ^ "./Test_Air.c", line 9496: error: expected a declaration if(isnan(p) || isinf(p)) ABSORB; ^ "./Test_Air.c", line 9497: error: expected a declaration if(isnan(t) || isinf(t)) ABSORB; ^ "./Test_Air.c", line 9498: error: expected a declaration if(isnan(phi) || isinf(phi)) ABSORB; ^ "./Test_Air.c", line 9499: error: expected a declaration if(isnan(kx) || isinf(kx)) ABSORB; ^ "./Test_Air.c", line 9500: error: expected a declaration if(isnan(ky) || isinf(ky)) ABSORB; ^ "./Test_Air.c", line 9501: error: expected a declaration if(isnan(kz) || isinf(kz)) ABSORB; ^ "./Test_Air.c", line 9502: error: expected a declaration if(isnan(x) || isinf(x)) ABSORB; ^ "./Test_Air.c", line 9503: error: expected a declaration if(isnan(y) || isinf(y)) ABSORB; ^ "./Test_Air.c", line 9504: error: expected a declaration if(isnan(z) || isinf(z)) ABSORB; ^ "./Test_Air.c", line 9507: error: expected a declaration if (_comp->_index == 5) { // EXTEND 'airbox' ^ "./Test_Air.c", line 9535: warning: parsing restarts here after previous syntax error return(_comp); ^ "./Test_Air.c", line 9536: error: expected a declaration } /* class_Air_trace */ ^ "./Test_Air.c", line 9561: warning: parsing restarts here after previous syntax error psi = atan2(x,z); ^ "./Test_Air.c", line 9562: warning: this declaration has no storage class or type specifier i = floor(nx*(psi/(2*PI)+0.5)); ^ "./Test_Air.c", line 9562: error: function call is not allowed in a constant expression i = floor(nx*(psi/(2*PI)+0.5)); ^ "./Test_Air.c", line 9562: error: identifier "_comp" is undefined i = floor(nx*(psi/(2*PI)+0.5)); ^ "./Test_Air.c", line 9562: error: identifier "psi" is undefined i = floor(nx*(psi/(2*PI)+0.5)); ^ "./Test_Air.c", line 9563: error: expected a declaration if(i >= nx) ^ "./Test_Air.c", line 9565: error: expected a declaration else if(i < 0) ^ "./Test_Air.c", line 9567: warning: this declaration has no storage class or type specifier theta=asin(y/radius); ^ "./Test_Air.c", line 9567: error: function call is not allowed in a constant expression theta=asin(y/radius); ^ "./Test_Air.c", line 9567: error: expression must have a constant value theta=asin(y/radius); ^ "./Test_Air.c", line 9568: warning: this declaration has no storage class or type specifier j = floor(ny*(theta+PI/2)/PI+0.5); ^ "./Test_Air.c", line 9568: error: function call is not allowed in a constant expression j = floor(ny*(theta+PI/2)/PI+0.5); ^ "./Test_Air.c", line 9568: error: expression must have a constant value j = floor(ny*(theta+PI/2)/PI+0.5); ^ "./Test_Air.c", line 9569: error: expected a declaration if(j >= ny) ^ "./Test_Air.c", line 9571: error: expected a declaration else if(j < 0) ^ "./Test_Air.c", line 9573: error: expression must have a constant value double p2 = p*p; ^ "./Test_Air.c", line 9573: error: expression must have a constant value double p2 = p*p; ^ "./Test_Air.c", line 9575: error: expected a ")" PSD_N[i][j] = PSD_N[i][j]+1 ; ^ "./Test_Air.c", line 9575: error: expression must have a constant value PSD_N[i][j] = PSD_N[i][j]+1 ; ^ "./Test_Air.c", line 9575: error: expression must have a constant value PSD_N[i][j] = PSD_N[i][j]+1 ; ^ "./Test_Air.c", line 9575: error: expression must have a constant value PSD_N[i][j] = PSD_N[i][j]+1 ; ^ "./Test_Air.c", line 9575: error: expression must have a constant value PSD_N[i][j] = PSD_N[i][j]+1 ; ^ "./Test_Air.c", line 9577: error: expected a ")" PSD_p[i][j] = PSD_p[i][j] + p; ^ "./Test_Air.c", line 9577: error: expression must have a constant value PSD_p[i][j] = PSD_p[i][j] + p; ^ "./Test_Air.c", line 9577: error: expression must have a constant value PSD_p[i][j] = PSD_p[i][j] + p; ^ "./Test_Air.c", line 9577: error: variable "_comp" has already been initialized PSD_p[i][j] = PSD_p[i][j] + p; ^ "./Test_Air.c", line 9577: error: expression must have a constant value PSD_p[i][j] = PSD_p[i][j] + p; ^ "./Test_Air.c", line 9577: error: expression must have a constant value PSD_p[i][j] = PSD_p[i][j] + p; ^ "./Test_Air.c", line 9577: error: expression must have a constant value PSD_p[i][j] = PSD_p[i][j] + p; ^ "./Test_Air.c", line 9579: error: expected a ")" PSD_p2[i][j] = PSD_p2[i][j] + p2; ^ "./Test_Air.c", line 9579: error: expression must have a constant value PSD_p2[i][j] = PSD_p2[i][j] + p2; ^ "./Test_Air.c", line 9579: error: expression must have a constant value PSD_p2[i][j] = PSD_p2[i][j] + p2; ^ "./Test_Air.c", line 9579: error: variable "_comp" has already been initialized PSD_p2[i][j] = PSD_p2[i][j] + p2; ^ "./Test_Air.c", line 9579: error: expression must have a constant value PSD_p2[i][j] = PSD_p2[i][j] + p2; ^ "./Test_Air.c", line 9579: error: expression must have a constant value PSD_p2[i][j] = PSD_p2[i][j] + p2; ^ "./Test_Air.c", line 9579: error: expression must have a constant value PSD_p2[i][j] = PSD_p2[i][j] + p2; ^ "./Test_Air.c", line 9580: error: expected a declaration SCATTER; ^ "./Test_Air.c", line 9581: error: expected a declaration } ^ "./Test_Air.c", line 9586: warning: parsing restarts here after previous syntax error if(isnan(p) || isinf(p)) ABSORB; ^ "./Test_Air.c", line 9587: error: expected a declaration if(isnan(t) || isinf(t)) ABSORB; ^ "./Test_Air.c", line 9588: error: expected a declaration if(isnan(phi) || isinf(phi)) ABSORB; ^ "./Test_Air.c", line 9589: error: expected a declaration if(isnan(kx) || isinf(kx)) ABSORB; ^ "./Test_Air.c", line 9590: error: expected a declaration if(isnan(ky) || isinf(ky)) ABSORB; ^ "./Test_Air.c", line 9591: error: expected a declaration if(isnan(kz) || isinf(kz)) ABSORB; ^ "./Test_Air.c", line 9592: error: expected a declaration if(isnan(x) || isinf(x)) ABSORB; ^ "./Test_Air.c", line 9593: error: expected a declaration if(isnan(y) || isinf(y)) ABSORB; ^ "./Test_Air.c", line 9594: error: expected a declaration if(isnan(z) || isinf(z)) ABSORB; ^ "./Test_Air.c", line 9603: error: expected a declaration return(_comp); ^ "./Test_Air.c", line 9604: error: expected a declaration } /* class_PSD_monitor_4PI_trace */ ^ "./Test_Air.c", line 9634: warning: parsing restarts here after previous syntax error mccoordschange(_origin_var._position_relative, _origin_var._rotation_relative, _particle); ^ "./Test_Air.c", line 9635: error: expected a declaration } else flag_nocoordschange=0; ^ "./Test_Air.c", line 9636: error: expected a declaration if (!ABSORBED && _particle->_index == 1) { ^ "./Test_Air.c", line 9654: warning: parsing restarts here after previous syntax error } else flag_nocoordschange=0; ^ "./Test_Air.c", line 9655: error: expected a declaration if (!ABSORBED && _particle->_index == 2) { ^ "./Test_Air.c", line 9673: warning: parsing restarts here after previous syntax error } else flag_nocoordschange=0; ^ "./Test_Air.c", line 9674: error: expected a declaration if (!ABSORBED && _particle->_index == 3) { ^ "./Test_Air.c", line 9692: warning: parsing restarts here after previous syntax error } else flag_nocoordschange=0; ^ "./Test_Air.c", line 9693: error: expected a declaration if (!ABSORBED && _particle->_index == 4) { ^ "./Test_Air.c", line 9711: warning: parsing restarts here after previous syntax error } else flag_nocoordschange=0; ^ "./Test_Air.c", line 9712: error: expected a declaration if (!ABSORBED && _particle->_index == 5) { ^ "./Test_Air.c", line 9731: warning: parsing restarts here after previous syntax error } else flag_nocoordschange=0; ^ "./Test_Air.c", line 9732: error: expected a declaration if (!ABSORBED && _particle->_index == 6) { ^ "./Test_Air.c", line 9750: warning: parsing restarts here after previous syntax error } else flag_nocoordschange=0; ^ "./Test_Air.c", line 9751: error: expected a declaration if (!ABSORBED && _particle->_index == 7) { ^ "./Test_Air.c", line 9770: warning: parsing restarts here after previous syntax error } else flag_nocoordschange=0; ^ "./Test_Air.c", line 9771: error: expected a declaration if (!ABSORBED && _particle->_index == 8) { ^ "./Test_Air.c", line 9790: warning: parsing restarts here after previous syntax error } else flag_nocoordschange=0; ^ "./Test_Air.c", line 9791: error: expected a declaration if (!ABSORBED && _particle->_index == 9) { ^ "./Test_Air.c", line 9809: warning: parsing restarts here after previous syntax error } else flag_nocoordschange=0; ^ "./Test_Air.c", line 9810: error: expected a declaration if (!ABSORBED && _particle->_index == 10) { ^ "./Test_Air.c", line 9828: warning: parsing restarts here after previous syntax error } else flag_nocoordschange=0; ^ "./Test_Air.c", line 9829: error: expected a declaration if (!ABSORBED && _particle->_index == 11) { ^ "./Test_Air.c", line 9847: warning: parsing restarts here after previous syntax error } else flag_nocoordschange=0; ^ "./Test_Air.c", line 9848: error: expected a declaration if (!ABSORBED && _particle->_index == 12) { ^ "./Test_Air.c", line 9859: warning: parsing restarts here after previous syntax error ABSORBED++; /* absorbed when passed all components */ ^ "./Test_Air.c", line 9860: error: expected a declaration } /* while !ABSORBED */ ^ "./Test_Air.c", line 9865: warning: parsing restarts here after previous syntax error return(_particle->_index); ^ "./Test_Air.c", line 9866: error: expected a declaration } /* raytrace */ ^ "./Test_Air.c", line 9914: warning: parsing restarts here after previous syntax error raytrace(_particle); ^ "./Test_Air.c", line 9915: error: expected a declaration } /* inner for */ ^ "./Test_Air.c", line 9917: warning: this declaration has no storage class or type specifier mcncount += gpu_innerloop; ^ "./Test_Air.c", line 9917: error: declaration is incompatible with "unsigned long long mcncount" (declared at line 1281) mcncount += gpu_innerloop; ^ "./Test_Air.c", line 9917: error: expected a ";" mcncount += gpu_innerloop; ^ "./Test_Air.c", line 9918: error: expected a declaration } /* CPU for */ ^ "./Test_Air.c", line 9925: warning: parsing restarts here after previous syntax error MPI_MASTER( ^ "./Test_Air.c", line 9928: error: expected a declaration } /* raytrace_all */ ^ "./Test_Air.c", line 10232: warning: parsing restarts here after previous syntax error return(_comp); ^ "./Test_Air.c", line 10233: error: expected a declaration } /* class_Progress_bar_save */ ^ "./Test_Air.c", line 10301: warning: parsing restarts here after previous syntax error return(_comp); ^ "./Test_Air.c", line 10302: error: expected a declaration } /* class_PSD_monitor_save */ ^ "./Test_Air.c", line 10369: warning: parsing restarts here after previous syntax error return(_comp); ^ "./Test_Air.c", line 10370: error: expected a declaration } /* class_Divergence_monitor_save */ ^ "./Test_Air.c", line 10400: warning: parsing restarts here after previous syntax error return(_comp); ^ "./Test_Air.c", line 10401: error: expected a declaration } /* class_PSD_monitor_4PI_save */ ^ "./Test_Air.c", line 10427: warning: parsing restarts here after previous syntax error class_PSD_monitor_save(&_psd2_var); ^ "./Test_Air.c", line 10429: error: expected a type specifier class_Divergence_monitor_save(&_div2_var); ^ "./Test_Air.c", line 10429: warning: this declaration has no storage class or type specifier class_Divergence_monitor_save(&_div2_var); ^ "./Test_Air.c", line 10431: error: expected a declaration if (!handle) siminfo_close(); ^ "./Test_Air.c", line 10433: error: expected a declaration return(0); ^ "./Test_Air.c", line 10434: error: expected a declaration } /* save */ ^ "./Test_Air.c", line 10470: warning: parsing restarts here after previous syntax error return(_comp); ^ "./Test_Air.c", line 10471: error: expected a declaration } /* class_Progress_bar_finally */ ^ "./Test_Air.c", line 10512: warning: parsing restarts here after previous syntax error return(_comp); ^ "./Test_Air.c", line 10513: error: expected a declaration } /* class_Source_pt_finally */ ^ Error limit reached. 100 errors detected in the compilation of "./Test_Air.c". Compilation terminated. loading system configuration loading override configuration from /zhome/7c/9/7041/McXtrace/mcxtrace/1.5/tools/Python/mctest/../mccodelib/mcxtrace-test/McXtrace-3.0_CPU_PGCC_MC/mccode_config.json