INFO: Using directory: "1" INFO: Using existing c-file: ./Airport_scannerII.c INFO: Using existing binary: ./Airport_scannerII.out WARNING: Ignoring invalid parameter: "Airport_scannerII.instr" INFO: === Simulation 'Airport_scannerII' (/home/nexmap/pkwi/xTESTS/2022-05-01/McXtrace-1.x_CPU_MPICC_5e7/Airport_scannerII/Airport_scannerII.instr): running on 16 nodes (master is '', MPI version 3.1). [Airport_scannerII] Initialize [Airport_scannerII] Initialize [Airport_scannerII] Initialize [Airport_scannerII] Initialize [Airport_scannerII] Initialize [Airport_scannerII] Initialize [Airport_scannerII] Initialize [Airport_scannerII] Initialize [Airport_scannerII] Initialize [Airport_scannerII] Initialize [Airport_scannerII] Initialize [Airport_scannerII] Initialize [Airport_scannerII] Initialize [Airport_scannerII] Initialize [Airport_scannerII] Initialize [Airport_scannerII] Initialize Opening input file '/home/nexmap/pkwi/McXtrace/mcxtrace/1.x-dev/tools/Python/mxrun/../mccodelib/../../../data/book.txt' (Table_Read_Offset) Loading geometry file (OFF/PLY): book.ply Number of vertices: 2853 Number of polygons: 5722 sample_scan: Volume[1], material='book.txt' geometry='book.ply' sample_scan: Volume[1], material='book.txt' geometry='book.ply' sample_scan: Volume[1], material='book.txt' geometry='book.ply' sample_scan: Volume[1], material='book.txt' geometry='book.ply' sample_scan: Volume[1], material='book.txt' geometry='book.ply' sample_scan: Volume[1], material='book.txt' geometry='book.ply' sample_scan: Volume[1], material='book.txt' geometry='book.ply' sample_scan: Volume[1], material='book.txt' geometry='book.ply' sample_scan: Volume[1], material='book.txt' geometry='book.ply' sample_scan: Volume[1], material='book.txt' geometry='book.ply' sample_scan: Volume[1], material='book.txt' geometry='book.ply' sample_scan: Volume[1], material='book.txt' geometry='book.ply' sample_scan: Volume[1], material='book.txt' geometry='book.ply' sample_scan: Volume[1], material='book.txt' geometry='book.ply' Warning: Neither xwidth, yheight or zdepth are defined. The file-defined (non-scaled) geometry the OFF geometry book.ply will be applied! Bounding box dimensions for geometry book.ply: Length=0.239599 (100.000%) Width= 0.029804 (100.000%) Depth= 0.164529 (100.000%) sample_scan: Volume[1], material='book.txt' geometry='book.ply' Opening input file '/home/nexmap/pkwi/McXtrace/mcxtrace/1.x-dev/tools/Python/mxrun/../mccodelib/../../../data/h2o2.dat' (Table_Read_Offset) sample_scan: Volume[1], material='book.txt' geometry='book.ply' Loading geometry file (OFF/PLY): h2o2.ply Number of vertices: 406 Number of polygons: 808 sample_scan: Volume[2], material='h2o2.dat' geometry='h2o2.ply' sample_scan: Volume[2], material='h2o2.dat' geometry='h2o2.ply' Warning: Neither xwidth, yheight or zdepth are defined. The file-defined (non-scaled) geometry the OFF geometry h2o2.ply will be applied! Bounding box dimensions for geometry h2o2.ply: Length=0.126295 (100.000%) Width= 0.046911 (100.000%) Depth= 0.090087 (100.000%) sample_scan: Volume[2], material='h2o2.dat' geometry='h2o2.ply' sample_scan: Volume[2], material='h2o2.dat' geometry='h2o2.ply' sample_scan: Volume[2], material='h2o2.dat' geometry='h2o2.ply' sample_scan: Volume[2], material='h2o2.dat' geometry='h2o2.ply' sample_scan: Volume[2], material='h2o2.dat' geometry='h2o2.ply' sample_scan: Volume[2], material='h2o2.dat' geometry='h2o2.ply' sample_scan: Volume[2], material='h2o2.dat' geometry='h2o2.ply' sample_scan: Volume[2], material='h2o2.dat' geometry='h2o2.ply' sample_scan: Volume[2], material='h2o2.dat' geometry='h2o2.ply' sample_scan: Volume[2], material='h2o2.dat' geometry='h2o2.ply' sample_scan: Volume[2], material='h2o2.dat' geometry='h2o2.ply' sample_scan: Volume[2], material='h2o2.dat' geometry='h2o2.ply' sample_scan: Volume[2], material='h2o2.dat' geometry='h2o2.ply' sample_scan: Volume[2], material='h2o2.dat' geometry='h2o2.ply' Opening input file '/home/nexmap/pkwi/McXtrace/mcxtrace/1.x-dev/tools/Python/mxrun/../mccodelib/../../../data/H2O.txt' (Table_Read_Offset) Loading geometry file (OFF/PLY): water.ply Number of vertices: 818 Number of polygons: 1632 sample_scan: Volume[3], material='H2O.txt' geometry='water.ply' sample_scan: Volume[3], material='H2O.txt' geometry='water.ply' sample_scan: Volume[3], material='H2O.txt' geometry='water.ply' sample_scan: Volume[3], material='H2O.txt' geometry='water.ply' sample_scan: Volume[3], material='H2O.txt' geometry='water.ply' sample_scan: Volume[3], material='H2O.txt' geometry='water.ply' sample_scan: Volume[3], material='H2O.txt' geometry='water.ply' sample_scan: Volume[3], material='H2O.txt' geometry='water.ply' Warning: Neither xwidth, yheight or zdepth are defined. The file-defined (non-scaled) geometry the OFF geometry water.ply will be applied! Bounding box dimensions for geometry water.ply: Length=0.066238 (100.000%) Width= 0.058313 (100.000%) Depth= 0.217547 (100.000%) sample_scan: Volume[3], material='H2O.txt' geometry='water.ply' Opening input file '/home/nexmap/pkwi/McXtrace/mcxtrace/1.x-dev/tools/Python/mxrun/../mccodelib/../../../data/ethanol.txt' (Table_Read_Offset) sample_scan: Volume[3], material='H2O.txt' geometry='water.ply' sample_scan: Volume[3], material='H2O.txt' geometry='water.ply' sample_scan: Volume[3], material='H2O.txt' geometry='water.ply' sample_scan: Volume[3], material='H2O.txt' geometry='water.ply' sample_scan: Volume[3], material='H2O.txt' geometry='water.ply' sample_scan: Volume[3], material='H2O.txt' geometry='water.ply' sample_scan: Volume[3], material='H2O.txt' geometry='water.ply' Loading geometry file (OFF/PLY): whiskey.ply Number of vertices: 616 Number of polygons: 1228 sample_scan: Volume[4], material='ethanol.txt' geometry='whiskey.ply' sample_scan: Volume[4], material='ethanol.txt' geometry='whiskey.ply' sample_scan: Volume[4], material='ethanol.txt' geometry='whiskey.ply' sample_scan: Volume[4], material='ethanol.txt' geometry='whiskey.ply' sample_scan: Volume[4], material='ethanol.txt' geometry='whiskey.ply' sample_scan: Volume[4], material='ethanol.txt' geometry='whiskey.ply' sample_scan: Volume[4], material='ethanol.txt' geometry='whiskey.ply' sample_scan: Volume[4], material='ethanol.txt' geometry='whiskey.ply' sample_scan: Volume[4], material='ethanol.txt' geometry='whiskey.ply' sample_scan: Volume[4], material='ethanol.txt' geometry='whiskey.ply' Warning: Neither xwidth, yheight or zdepth are defined. The file-defined (non-scaled) geometry the OFF geometry whiskey.ply will be applied! Bounding box dimensions for geometry whiskey.ply: Length=0.082601 (100.000%) Width= 0.076881 (100.000%) Depth= 0.141927 (100.000%) sample_scan: Volume[4], material='ethanol.txt' geometry='whiskey.ply' Opening input file '/home/nexmap/pkwi/McXtrace/mcxtrace/1.x-dev/tools/Python/mxrun/../mccodelib/../../../data/Cu.txt' (Table_Read_Offset) sample_scan: Volume[4], material='ethanol.txt' geometry='whiskey.ply' sample_scan: Volume[4], material='ethanol.txt' geometry='whiskey.ply' sample_scan: Volume[4], material='ethanol.txt' geometry='whiskey.ply' sample_scan: Volume[4], material='ethanol.txt' geometry='whiskey.ply' sample_scan: Volume[4], material='ethanol.txt' geometry='whiskey.ply' Loading geometry file (OFF/PLY): wire.ply Number of vertices: 2584 Number of polygons: 5438 sample_scan: Volume[5], material='Cu.txt' geometry='wire.ply' sample_scan: Volume[5], material='Cu.txt' geometry='wire.ply' sample_scan: Volume[5], material='Cu.txt' geometry='wire.ply' sample_scan: Volume[5], material='Cu.txt' geometry='wire.ply' sample_scan: Volume[5], material='Cu.txt' geometry='wire.ply' sample_scan: Volume[5], material='Cu.txt' geometry='wire.ply' sample_scan: Volume[5], material='Cu.txt' geometry='wire.ply' sample_scan: Volume[5], material='Cu.txt' geometry='wire.ply' sample_scan: Volume[5], material='Cu.txt' geometry='wire.ply' sample_scan: Volume[5], material='Cu.txt' geometry='wire.ply' sample_scan: Volume[5], material='Cu.txt' geometry='wire.ply' sample_scan: Volume[5], material='Cu.txt' geometry='wire.ply' Warning: Neither xwidth, yheight or zdepth are defined. The file-defined (non-scaled) geometry the OFF geometry wire.ply will be applied! Bounding box dimensions for geometry wire.ply: Length=0.173456 (100.000%) Width= 0.078031 (100.000%) Depth= 0.145752 (100.000%) sample_scan: Volume[5], material='Cu.txt' geometry='wire.ply' Opening input file '/home/nexmap/pkwi/McXtrace/mcxtrace/1.x-dev/tools/Python/mxrun/../mccodelib/../../../data/Al.txt' (Table_Read_Offset) sample_scan: Volume[5], material='Cu.txt' geometry='wire.ply' sample_scan: Volume[5], material='Cu.txt' geometry='wire.ply' sample_scan: Volume[5], material='Cu.txt' geometry='wire.ply' Loading geometry file (OFF/PLY): Number of vertices: 37707 Number of polygons: 84521 sample_scan: Volume[6], material='Al.txt' geometry='' sample_scan: Volume[6], material='Al.txt' geometry='' sample_scan: Volume[6], material='Al.txt' geometry='' sample_scan: Volume[6], material='Al.txt' geometry='' sample_scan: Volume[6], material='Al.txt' geometry='' sample_scan: Volume[6], material='Al.txt' geometry='' sample_scan: Volume[6], material='Al.txt' geometry='' sample_scan: Volume[6], material='Al.txt' geometry='' sample_scan: Volume[6], material='Al.txt' geometry='' sample_scan: Volume[6], material='Al.txt' geometry='' sample_scan: Volume[6], material='Al.txt' geometry='' Warning: Neither xwidth, yheight or zdepth are defined. The file-defined (non-scaled) geometry the OFF geometry will be applied! Bounding box dimensions for geometry Length=0.324186 (100.000%) Width= 0.260044 (100.000%) Depth= 0.540097 (100.000%) sample_scan: Volume[6], material='Al.txt' geometry='' sample_scan: Volume[6], material='Al.txt' geometry='' sample_scan: Volume[6], material='Al.txt' geometry='' sample_scan: Volume[6], material='Al.txt' geometry='' sample_scan: Volume[6], material='Al.txt' geometry='' Trace ETA 40.9167 [min] % 0 Trace ETA 40.9167 [min] % 0 Trace ETA 40.9167 [min] % 0 Trace ETA 40.9167 [min] % 0 Trace ETA 40.9167 [min] % 0 Trace ETA 40.9167 [min] % 0 Trace ETA 40.9167 [min] % 0 Trace ETA 40.9167 [min] % 0 Trace ETA 40.9167 [min] % 0 Trace ETA 38.1833 [min] % 0 Trace ETA 38.1833 [min] % 0 Trace ETA 38.1833 [min] % 0 Trace ETA 38.1833 [min] % 0 Trace ETA 38.1833 [min] % 0 Trace ETA 38.1833 [min] % 0 Trace ETA 38.1833 [min] % 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 6 6 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Time: 40.5 [min] Warning: 973 events were removed in Component[7] psd2=PSD_monitor() (negative time, miss next components, rounding errors, Nan, Inf). Finally [Airport_scannerII: 1]. Time: 40.5167 [min] Warning: 908 events were removed in Component[7] psd2=PSD_monitor() (negative time, miss next components, rounding errors, Nan, Inf). Finally [Airport_scannerII: 1]. Time: 40.5333 [min] Warning: 977 events were removed in Component[7] psd2=PSD_monitor() (negative time, miss next components, rounding errors, Nan, Inf). 99 99 99 Finally [Airport_scannerII: 1]. Time: 40.7167 [min] Warning: 949 events were removed in Component[7] psd2=PSD_monitor() (negative time, miss next components, rounding errors, Nan, Inf). Finally [Airport_scannerII: 1]. Time: 40.7167 [min] Warning: 980 events were removed in Component[7] psd2=PSD_monitor() (negative time, miss next components, rounding errors, Nan, Inf). Finally [Airport_scannerII: 1]. Time: 40.7167 [min] Warning: 926 events were removed in Component[7] psd2=PSD_monitor() (negative time, miss next components, rounding errors, Nan, Inf). 99 99 98 Finally [Airport_scannerII: 1]. Time: 40.9333 [min] Finally [Airport_scannerII: 1]. Time: 40.9333 [min] Warning: 945 events were removed in Component[7] psd2=PSD_monitor() (negative time, miss next components, rounding errors, Nan, Inf). Warning: 890 events were removed in Component[7] psd2=PSD_monitor() (negative time, miss next components, rounding errors, Nan, Inf). Finally [Airport_scannerII: 1]. Time: 40.9833 [min] Warning: 902 events were removed in Component[7] psd2=PSD_monitor() (negative time, miss next components, rounding errors, Nan, Inf). 99 Save [Airport_scannerII] Detector: psd0_I=0.00103487 psd0_ERR=1.46354e-07 psd0_N=5e+07 "psd0.dat" Finally [Airport_scannerII: 1]. Time: 41.45 [min] Warning: 952 events were removed in Component[7] psd2=PSD_monitor() (negative time, miss next components, rounding errors, Nan, Inf). Finally [Airport_scannerII: 1]. Time: 41.45 [min] Finally [Airport_scannerII: 1]. Time: 41.45 [min] Warning: 893 events were removed in Component[7] psd2=PSD_monitor() (negative time, miss next components, rounding errors, Nan, Inf). Warning: 944 events were removed in Component[7] psd2=PSD_monitor() (negative time, miss next components, rounding errors, Nan, Inf). Detector: emon_I=0.00103487 emon_ERR=1.46354e-07 emon_N=5e+07 "emon.dat" Detector: psd2_I=0.000629314 psd2_ERR=1.12262e-07 psd2_N=3.82686e+07 "psd2.dat" Finally [Airport_scannerII: 1]. Time: 41.45 [min] Warning: 919 events were removed in Component[7] psd2=PSD_monitor() (negative time, miss next components, rounding errors, Nan, Inf). Finally [Airport_scannerII: 1]. Time: 41.45 [min] Warning: 888 events were removed in Component[7] psd2=PSD_monitor() (negative time, miss next components, rounding errors, Nan, Inf). Finally [Airport_scannerII: 1]. Time: 41.45 [min] Warning: 901 events were removed in Component[7] psd2=PSD_monitor() (negative time, miss next components, rounding errors, Nan, Inf). Detector: psd_far_I=1.09781e-05 psd_far_ERR=1.3993e-08 psd_far_N=1.53253e+06 "psdfar.dat" Finally [Airport_scannerII: 1]. Time: 41.45 [min] Warning: 940 events were removed in Component[7] psd2=PSD_monitor() (negative time, miss next components, rounding errors, Nan, Inf). INFO: Placing instr file copy /home/nexmap/pkwi/xTESTS/2022-05-01/McXtrace-1.x_CPU_MPICC_5e7/Airport_scannerII/Airport_scannerII.instr in dataset 1 loading system configuration loading override configuration from /home/nexmap/pkwi/mxtest/mctest/../mccodelib/mcxtrace-test/McXtrace-1.x_CPU_MPICC/mccode_config.json