INFO: No output directory specified (--dir) INFO: Using directory: "Test_CRL_20220106_003353" INFO: Regenerating c-file: Test_CRL.c DEBUG: CMD: mcxtrace -t -o ./Test_CRL.c /zhome/7c/9/7041/TESTS/2022-01-06/McXtrace-3.0_CPU_PGCC_MC_1e7/Test_CRL/Test_CRL.instr CFLAGS= ----------------------------------------------------------- Generating single GPU kernel or single CPU section layout: ----------------------------------------------------------- Generating GPU/CPU -DFUNNEL layout: ----------------------------------------------------------- INFO: Recompiling: ./Test_CRL.out DEBUG: CMD: nvc -o ./Test_CRL.out ./Test_CRL.c -lm -lm -O2 -acc=multicore -DOPENACC "./Test_CRL.c", line 4879: warning: pointless comparison of unsigned integer with zero state[4] = t < 0; ^ "./Test_CRL.c", line 5786: warning: variable "ret" was declared but never referenced int ret=1,stat=0,plane_stat=0; ^ "./Test_CRL.c", line 5959: warning: variable "D" was declared but never referenced double A,B,C,D,k; ^ "./Test_CRL.c", line 7580: warning: variable "Arg1" was declared but never referenced double cos_theta,cos_theta1,Arg,Arg1,s,q; ^ "./Test_CRL.c", line 7581: warning: variable "k_new1" was declared but never referenced double k_new[3],k_new1[3],M,Sign,dd; ^ "./Test_CRL.c", line 7736: warning: variable "alpha" was declared but never referenced double Arg,s,q,alpha,beta; ^ "./Test_CRL.c", line 7736: warning: variable "beta" was declared but never referenced double Arg,s,q,alpha,beta; ^ "./Test_CRL.c", line 8193: warning: variable "tc2" was declared but never referenced Coords tc1, tc2; ^ "./Test_CRL.c", line 8194: warning: variable "tr1" was declared but never referenced Rotation tr1; ^ "./Test_CRL.c", line 8791: warning: variable "status" was set but never used int status=0; ^ "./Test_CRL.c", line 8861: warning: variable "i" was declared but never referenced int i,j; ^ "./Test_CRL.c", line 8861: warning: variable "j" was declared but never referenced int i,j; ^ "./Test_CRL.c", line 8862: warning: variable "p1" was declared but never referenced double *p1,*p2,*p3; ^ "./Test_CRL.c", line 8862: warning: variable "p2" was declared but never referenced double *p1,*p2,*p3; ^ "./Test_CRL.c", line 8862: warning: variable "p3" was declared but never referenced double *p1,*p2,*p3; ^ "./Test_CRL.c", line 8916: warning: variable "status" was set but never used int status=0; ^ "./Test_CRL.c", line 8976: warning: variable "status" was set but never used int status=0; ^ "./Test_CRL.c", line 9019: warning: variable "status" was set but never used int status=0; ^ "./Test_CRL.c", line 9065: warning: variable "status" was set but never used int status; ^ "./Test_CRL.c", line 9430: warning: variable "k" was declared but never referenced int i,j,k; ^ "./Test_CRL.c", line 9431: warning: variable "e" was declared but never referenced double e,p2; ^ "./Test_CRL.c", line 9514: warning: variable "s2" was declared but never referenced double s2x,s2y,s2z,s2; ^ "./Test_CRL.c", line 9515: warning: variable "alpha" was declared but never referenced double F,k,e,theta,alpha,delta; ^ "./Test_CRL.c", line 9614: warning: variable "E" was declared but never referenced double E,mu,f,rhoel,dl,d_total,e,k,delta,beta,Refractive_Index_Re,Refractive_Index_Im,w; ^ "./Test_CRL.c", line 9614: warning: variable "Refractive_Index_Im" was set but never used double E,mu,f,rhoel,dl,d_total,e,k,delta,beta,Refractive_Index_Re,Refractive_Index_Im,w; ^ "./Test_CRL.c", line 9617: warning: variable "i" was declared but never referenced int i=0,nr; ^ "./Test_CRL.c", line 9742: warning: subscript out of range parab_Cyl[6]=rough_xy; ^ "./Test_CRL.c", line 9743: warning: subscript out of range parab_Cyl[7]=rough_z; ^ "./Test_CRL.c", line 9732: warning: variable "i" was declared but never referenced int i=0,nr; ^ "./Test_CRL.c", line 9734: warning: variable "E" was declared but never referenced double E,mu,f,rhoel,dl,d_total,e,k,delta,beta,Refractive_Index_Re,Refractive_Index_Im; ^ "./Test_CRL.c", line 9734: warning: variable "Refractive_Index_Im" was set but never used double E,mu,f,rhoel,dl,d_total,e,k,delta,beta,Refractive_Index_Re,Refractive_Index_Im; ^ "./Test_CRL.c", line 9858: warning: variable "knx" was declared but never referenced double knx,kny,knz; ^ "./Test_CRL.c", line 9858: warning: variable "kny" was declared but never referenced double knx,kny,knz; ^ "./Test_CRL.c", line 9858: warning: variable "knz" was declared but never referenced double knx,kny,knz; ^ "./Test_CRL.c", line 9866: warning: variable "z0" was set but never used double x0,z0; ^ "./Test_CRL.c", line 11156: warning: variable "z_c" was set but never used double z_c,zdepth,w; ^ "./Test_CRL.c", line 11162: warning: variable "i" was declared but never referenced int i,j=0; ^ "./Test_CRL.c", line 11428: warning: variable "t" is used before its value is set mcstartdate = (long)t; /* set start date before parsing options and creating sim file */ ^ "./Test_CRL.c", line 11368: warning: variable "ct" was declared but never referenced clock_t ct; ^ "./Test_CRL.c", line 1257: warning: variable "mcstartdate" was set but never used static long mcstartdate = 0; /* start simulation time */ ^ "./Test_CRL.c", line 2498: warning: function "strcpy_valid" was declared but never referenced static char *strcpy_valid(char *valid, char *original) ^ NVC++-W-0155-Upcoming behavior change: array reference in data/update clause with no triplet notation will be treated as an array element in a future release: ..inline (./Test_CRL.c: 9649) NVC++-W-0155-Upcoming behavior change: array reference in data/update clause with no triplet notation will be treated as an array element in a future release: ..inline (./Test_CRL.c: 9649) NVC++-W-0155-Upcoming behavior change: array reference in data/update clause with no triplet notation will be treated as an array element in a future release: ..inline (./Test_CRL.c: 9649) NVC++-W-0155-Upcoming behavior change: array reference in data/update clause with no triplet notation will be treated as an array element in a future release: ..inline (./Test_CRL.c: 9649) NVC++-W-0155-Upcoming behavior change: array reference in data/update clause with no triplet notation will be treated as an array element in a future release: ..inline (./Test_CRL.c: 9649) NVC++-W-0155-Upcoming behavior change: array reference in data/update clause with no triplet notation will be treated as an array element in a future release: ..inline (./Test_CRL.c: 9649) NVC++-W-0155-Upcoming behavior change: array reference in data/update clause with no triplet notation will be treated as an array element in a future release: ..inline (./Test_CRL.c: 9649) NVC++-W-0155-Upcoming behavior change: array reference in data/update clause with no triplet notation will be treated as an array element in a future release: ..inline (./Test_CRL.c: 9649) NVC++-W-0155-Upcoming behavior change: array reference in data/update clause with no triplet notation will be treated as an array element in a future release: ..inline (./Test_CRL.c: 9649) NVC++-W-0155-Upcoming behavior change: array reference in data/update clause with no triplet notation will be treated as an array element in a future release: ..inline (./Test_CRL.c: 9649) NVC++-W-0155-Upcoming behavior change: array reference in data/update clause with no triplet notation will be treated as an array element in a future release: ..inline (./Test_CRL.c: 9649) NVC++-W-0155-Upcoming behavior change: array reference in data/update clause with no triplet notation will be treated as an array element in a future release: ..inline (./Test_CRL.c: 9649) NVC++-W-0155-Upcoming behavior change: array reference in data/update clause with no triplet notation will be treated as an array element in a future release: ..inline (./Test_CRL.c: 9649) NVC++-W-0155-Upcoming behavior change: array reference in data/update clause with no triplet notation will be treated as an array element in a future release: ..inline (./Test_CRL.c: 9649) NVC++-W-0155-Upcoming behavior change: array reference in data/update clause with no triplet notation will be treated as an array element in a future release: ..inline (./Test_CRL.c: 9770) NVC++-W-0155-Upcoming behavior change: array reference in data/update clause with no triplet notation will be treated as an array element in a future release: ..inline (./Test_CRL.c: 9770) NVC++-W-0155-Upcoming behavior change: array reference in data/update clause with no triplet notation will be treated as an array element in a future release: ..inline (./Test_CRL.c: 9770) NVC++-W-0155-Upcoming behavior change: array reference in data/update clause with no triplet notation will be treated as an array element in a future release: ..inline (./Test_CRL.c: 9770) NVC++-W-0155-Upcoming behavior change: array reference in data/update clause with no triplet notation will be treated as an array element in a future release: ..inline (./Test_CRL.c: 9770) NVC++-W-0155-Upcoming behavior change: array reference in data/update clause with no triplet notation will be treated as an array element in a future release: ..inline (./Test_CRL.c: 9770) NVC++-W-0155-Upcoming behavior change: array reference in data/update clause with no triplet notation will be treated as an array element in a future release: ..inline (./Test_CRL.c: 9770) NVC++-W-0155-Upcoming behavior change: array reference in data/update clause with no triplet notation will be treated as an array element in a future release: ..inline (./Test_CRL.c: 9770) NVC++-W-0155-Upcoming behavior change: array reference in data/update clause with no triplet notation will be treated as an array element in a future release: ..inline (./Test_CRL.c: 9770) NVC++-W-0155-Upcoming behavior change: array reference in data/update clause with no triplet notation will be treated as an array element in a future release: ..inline (./Test_CRL.c: 9770) NVC++-W-0155-Upcoming behavior change: array reference in data/update clause with no triplet notation will be treated as an array element in a future release: ..inline (./Test_CRL.c: 9770) NVC++-W-0155-Upcoming behavior change: array reference in data/update clause with no triplet notation will be treated as an array element in a future release: ..inline (./Test_CRL.c: 9770) NVC++-W-0155-Upcoming behavior change: array reference in data/update clause with no triplet notation will be treated as an array element in a future release: ..inline (./Test_CRL.c: 9770) NVC++-W-0155-Upcoming behavior change: array reference in data/update clause with no triplet notation will be treated as an array element in a future release: ..inline (./Test_CRL.c: 9770) NVC++-W-0155-Upcoming behavior change: array reference in data/update clause with no triplet notation will be treated as an array element in a future release: ..inline (./Test_CRL.c: 9770) NVC++-W-0155-Upcoming behavior change: array reference in data/update clause with no triplet notation will be treated as an array element in a future release: ..inline (./Test_CRL.c: 9770) NVC++-W-0155-Upcoming behavior change: array reference in data/update clause with no triplet notation will be treated as an array element in a future release: ..inline (./Test_CRL.c: 9986) NVC++/x86-64 Linux 21.9-0: compilation completed with warnings INFO: === loading system configuration loading override configuration from /zhome/7c/9/7041/McXtrace/mcxtrace/1.5/tools/Python/mctest/../mccodelib/mcxtrace-test/McXtrace-3.0_CPU_PGCC_MC/mccode_config.json